Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NYCTCM Open House events - 2009

Join us to hear about the exceptional programs at New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine that prepare you for a career in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Prospective students are invited to attend an NYCTCM Open House for an overview of the Acupuncture school & Traditional Chinese Medicine school programs, a tour of the facility, open discussion, and information on the application process.

Spring Trimester dates: May 4, 2009 to August 20, 2009. Please call NYCTCM or

email: NYCTCM Admissions

Mineola Open House events

Location: NYCTCM, 155 First St., Mineola, NY 11501

Saturday, April 4 - 10:30 am to 12 noon with an option to be a guest student after the Open House. Appointments with the Financial Aid office are available.

Contact: Please call (516) 739-1545 to reserve your spot or email

NYCTCM Admissions

Prospective students are welcome to call ahead to schedule an appointment with admissions and financial aid before or after an Open House they plan to attend.

Free first Acupuncture Treatment - NYCTCM Manhattan

When my chi begins to stagnate I head right to the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine where, for a mere $25 per session, supervised students of acupuncture and herbal remedies will evaluate, advise, and acupuncturate me. It’s a no-frills experience—the furnishings are minimal, the walls are stark white, and there’s nothing remotely cushy about the place, but there’s a whole fleet of interns, students, and a doctor who will tend enthusiastically to my pulse, tongue color, and symptoms. The last time I was in I lay on the acupuncture table surrounded by six people; I felt like I had an entourage. “You’re VIP!” one of the interns joked as he stuck a needle in my scalp. Left for twenty minutes to let my channels unblock, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, comforted in knowing that soon I would be feeling a lot better without feeling like I’ve been needled out of my bank account.

Coupon for Free first acupuncture treatment at NYCTCM Teaching Clinic for new patients

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese herbs for weight loss

Treating Weight Loss With Chinese Herbs

Dampness is caused by the failure to burn off moisture in the body. Dampness primarily affects the middle and lower part of the body...hence putting on weight in these areas. We use herbs as well as foods that drain the dampness. Usually a formula is prescribed using many herbs together in a synergistic manner.

By Steven Sonmore

Being overweight can become a matter of life and death. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems. Also, the overall risk of death increases with obesity. If you are obese or overweight your health is at risk. It is important that you loose that weight and develop a healthy lifestyle. There are many weight loss programs out there and it is important to find a program that is fits your needs.

Nine dangers of being overweight:

— High Blood Pressure - 26% of obese people have hypertension.

— Diabetes - 80% of type II is related to obesity. Excess fat makes your body resistant to insulin. When your body is resistant to insulin, your

cells can’t get the energy they need.

— Abnormal blood fats - A diet high in saturated fats increases the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

— Stroke - the American Stroke Foundation listed obesity as one of the risks to stroke that can be controlled with medical treatment and

lifestyle changes.

— Osteoarthritis - Excessive body weight adds pressure to joints and wears away at the cartilage that protects them.

— Sleep apnea - The more overweight a person is, the greater more severe the sleep apnea will be.

— Cancer - Men and women who are overweight have a higher risk of developing many different kinds of cancer.

— Gallstones - Gallstones are more common in people who are overweight. According to Chinese medicine gallstones are caused by “damp


— Physical Discomfort - If fat accumulates, it crowds space occupied by your internal organs. People who are overweight may have difficulty

breathing, walking or sitting.

Most weight loss programs in the US focus strictly on diet. Some medical statistics show that nearly 95% of dieters who use conventional weight loss programs either gain some or all of the weight they had lost back. However, with Chinese medicine we look at the root cause of being overweight. Excess weight is considered to be just one symptom of an underlying health problem. It is the outcome of a series of chain reactions in your body that usually begins with a Qi (pronounced chee) or energy deficiency or imbalance. Unless the root cause is addressed, the weight loss won’t be permanent. According to Chinese medicine, to have good health you must have sufficient Qi (energy) and your organs must work together in harmony. If there isn’t enough Qi, one or more of your organs can be out of balance and will develop an energetic dysfunction. When this happens, your organs cannot perform their responsibilities, like promoting healthy metabolism and ridding your body of excess fat and water.

Perhaps you have experienced problems like headaches, emotional problems, depression and/or allergies prior to a weight gain? Ever wondered why? Chinese medicine considers these as signs that your body is having functional difficulties. Often the problem is an imbalance in the relationship between your liver and your spleen. Both are crucial to proper digestion. Chinese medicine teaches that when your body is in balance, you won’t have weight issues. When your Qi is strong and balanced, weight will be lost naturally and normal weight will be maintained.

Chinese medicine generally views being overweight as “dampness.” Dampness is the body is not properly transforming and transporting fluids.

Dampness is caused by the failure to burn off moisture in the body. Dampness primarily affects the middle and lower part of the body...hence putting on weight in these areas. We use herbs as well as foods that drain the dampness. Usually a formula is prescribed using many herbs together in a synergistic manner. It is important to get a proper diagnosis by a Chinese medicine professional. Diagnosis includes pulse reading, tongue diagnosis, and health history. Chinese medicine uses very individualized care. The fundamental prescriptive methodology is to treat the patient’s personal pattern of disharmony. This kind of treatment is both safe and effective because it addresses that person’s own metabolic reasons for being overweight. Using this method, each patient receives their own individually tailored treatment plan, using Chinese herbs, diet and lifestyle modifications. If you want to make your weight loss program even MORE powerful add acupuncture to your treatment regime. Chinese medicine tailors your treatment to your unique energetic disharmony instead of just treating symptoms.

Chinese medicine emphasizes building up your digestive energy. For weight loss, the importance of your digestive system cannot be over emphasized. You depend on your digestive system to absorb and assimilate the nutrients that you require in order to support and sustain your body’s normal function. If your digestive system isn’t working efficiently you will still gain weight. Frequently we use herbal formulas to help strengthen the energy of your stomach and digestive system. This helps speed up the process of digestion before the food has a chance to change into excess fat. Dieting without sufficient digestive energy results in lose of energy, dehydration and undernourishment of the body. This can eventually lead to further weakening and impairment of the digestive system. Once that happens permanent and natural weight control will become quite difficult.

It is also important to maintain regular bowel movements. For weight loss with Chinese medicine, we sometimes use herbs and formulas to help facilitate regular bowel movements. Irregular bowel movements over a long period of time will cause stagnant/undigested food, toxins and other impurities to accumulate in the colon. Excess accumulation of waste material will ultimately overheat and weaken the digestive system, preventing the absorption of essential nutrients. This will gradually lead to symptoms of undernourishment as the body develops a craving for sweets and a constant urge to eat as well as gain weight.

Some herbs help suppress the appetite. Taking Chinese herbal formulas can aid weight loss. They help by increasing the body’s metabolism as well as suppressing the appetite. Sometimes we can treat other problems at the same time in conjunction with weight loss. Several examples are acid reflux, insomnia or depression.

Here we may use 2 formulas together. When treating weight loss we also look at a person’s emotional health, something Chinese medicine excels at.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Acupuncture helps high blood pressure

Older people often have acute incidents of high blood pressure. Acupuncturist Chan Hur of Answers with Acupuncture in Queens, NY tells how an 81 year old woman called him; her blood pressure was 190. He gave two acupuncture needles to calm her heart, and in 30 minutes her blood pressure came down and her chest pain disappeared.