Friday, June 27, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Open Houses at Acupuncture School

Open House & Guest Student visits at New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Prospective students are invited to attend an NYCTCM Open House for an overview of the Acupuncture school & Traditional Chinese Medicine school programs, a tour of the facility, open discussion, and information on the application process.

Or arrange to visit NYCTCM as a guest student — attend classes, meet with faculty and students, and experience a complimentary acupuncture treatment in the NYCTCM teaching clinic.

Fall Trimester dates: September, 2008 to December, 2008. Now is the time for new and transfer prospective students to prepare for fall enrollment.

Open House Schedule (new students are accepted every trimester)

Manhattan Open House events

Location: NYCTCM Manhattan Center, 13 E 37th St. 4th floor, New York, NY 10169


* June 19, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm
* July 17, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm

Contact: Please call (516) 739-1545 to reserve your spot or email

Mineola, Long Island, Open House events

Location: NYCTCM, 155 First St., Mineola, NY 11501


* June 21, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
* July 12, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
* July 26, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
* August 7, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm

Contact: Please call (516) 739-1545 to reserve your spot or email

Prospective students are welcome to call ahead to schedule an appointment with admissions and financial aid before or after an Open House they plan to attend. They may also attend classes after the Saturday Open Houses.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Home Page

Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Home Page

Photogallery - National Geographic Magazine

Photogallery - National Geographic Magazine

Cat Gets Acupuncture -- National Geographic

Cat Gets Acupuncture -- National Geographic

China: National Geographic World Music

China: National Geographic World Music: "hina Overview:

China is the home of one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and is also home to the earliest musical scale in recorded human history. During the 20th century, a 7000 year old xun, or globular flute, was unearthed in China. The instrument was designed around the minor third interval, which is still one of the organizing principles of Chinese music. As a result, preference for minor third and major sixth intervals masks the semitones of the Chinese scale, giving it the distinctive tone that's often difficult for the Western ear to discern even today."

Acupuncture Therapy - Famous Therapies -

Acupuncture Therapy - Famous Therapies - "'Acupuncture' may be more appropriately called Traditional Oriental Medicine.

At the heart of it is the concept is that there is Qi (aka: Ki, Chi), a physical 'energy force' that exists in every part of the living world. The flow of Qi in the channels of humans is familiar to anyone has seen the lines on the body of an acupuncture chart or model. Most practitioners believe that these Qi meridians exist as a separate system although sometimes in conjunction with the nerve and blood systems. These Channels of energy are named after the body's organs but do so only to describe a system of how one portion of the body works. For example, the liver in oriental medicine is described not as a physical organ as much as its role in moving Qi throughout the body."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Open Houses for Prospective Students

Open House & Guest Student visits

Prospective students are invited to attend an NYCTCM Open House for an overview of the Acupuncture school & Traditional Chinese Medicine school programs, a tour of the facility, open discussion, and information on the application process.

Or arrange to visit NYCTCM as a guest student — attend classes, meet with faculty and students, and experience a complimentary acupuncture treatment in the NYCTCM teaching clinic.

Fall Trimester dates: September, 2008 to December, 2008. Now is the time for new and transfer prospective students to prepare for fall enrollment.

Open House Schedule

Manhattan Open House events

Location: NYCTCM Manhattan Center, 13 E 37th St. 4th floor, New York, NY 10169


  • June 19, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm
  • July 17, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm

Contact: Please call (516) 739-1545 to reserve your spot or email

Mineola Open House events

Location: NYCTCM, 155 First St., Mineola, NY 11501


  • June 12, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm.
  • June 21, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
  • July 12, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
  • July 26, 2008: Saturday morning, 10:30 am — 12:30 pm
  • August 7, 2008: Thursday evening, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm
Contact: Please call (516) 739-1545 to reserve your spot or email

Prospective students are welcome to call ahead to schedule an appointment with admissions and financial aid before or after an Open House they plan to attend. They may also attend classes after the Saturday Open Houses.

New Student Orientation

New student orientation will be held at the Mineola campus on August 23, 2008 from 10:30 am

Classes start for new level one students on September 5, 2008

Late registration: August 10 through September 12, 2008


紐約中醫學院即日起招生預科班。如有愿參加本校針灸系或東方醫學系學習,已俱備大學60學分學歷,有一定英語基礎,但未通過TOEFL考試者,可先 成為預科班學員,學校將聘請專業教師集中補習英語並重點復習準備TOEFL考試。在學習期間同時還可修習作為入學條件的9個學分生物醫學課程(包括生物 學、解剖學、醫用生化)。預科班還接受僅有大學51學分者,專門學習9個學分生物醫學課程,以達到入學條件。




紐約中醫學院是一所以中國傳統中醫針灸為特色的高等學府,也是美國東岸唯一冠名中國傳統醫學(Traditional Chinese Medicine)的針灸學校。十二年多來保持“原汁原味”的特色,以“仁愛、傳承、融匯、啟新”為校訓,秉持“汲取中華醫學精髓、躋身美國健保體系”的 教育方向,以師資雄厚、教學嚴謹而享譽美國針灸教育界。

學校設有三年制針灸碩士與四年制東方醫學碩士課程,以 及針對執照針灸師的中藥證書課程(一年半)。學校連續在聯邦教育部唯一認可的鑑定組織ACAOM鑑定立案。其文憑在全國範圍獲得認可,畢業生有資格申請紐 約及其他40州針灸執照。學校可以簽發I-20,接受國際學生。如是美國公民或永久居民,可申請聯邦學生低息貸款;如是紐約州低收入居民,還可申請州助學 金(TAP)。學校另有免息分期付款計劃(一年分九次繳學費),嘉惠莘莘學子。

除了在長島本校設有大型教學門診部外,在曼哈頓中心(中城東37街13號近第五大道處)也設有臨床教學基地,又在紐約州立大學法明岱爾校區(SUNY Farmingdale)康健中心開設針灸門診,為學生就近實習提供便利。

學 校嚴格遴選優秀教師,師資雄厚,中醫基礎理論與針灸課程教師以及臨床帶教老師,主要都畢業于中國大陸中醫院校(14位),另有2位為中國中西醫結合的學 者,教師平均執業時間為22.5年,在美國執業時間為9.4年,這在全國針灸學校中數一數二。教師隊伍中有博士學位者11位。學校恪守傳統中醫體系、小班 教學,由經驗豐富的教師進行“手把手”培訓。


TOEFL help for prospective Acupuncture students

NYCTCM Announces Preadmission Assistance Program

Beginning Fall term 2008, NYCTCM will launch a special program designed to encourage enrollment by students interested in studying TCM and who have at least 51 college credits but who are unable to pass the school’s English language competency requirement.

Such students will be admitted to the school as non-matriculated students and will study ESL and TOEFL-preparation courses offered on-site while at the same time being able to take bioscience prerequisite courses and various courses from the Acupuncture or OM Program curriculum such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Foundations of Tui Na, Medical Terminology, and History and Philosophy of Chinese Medicine. Credit earned from such courses will transfer towards the Masters degree once the student achieves the level of English competency that allows him or her to matriculate in the Acupuncture or OM Program.

For more information email or call NYCTCM Admissions at 516-739-1545.

see Chinese text


Introduction to Acupuncture - CMS